Data-Driven – What’s going on with third-party cookies?
- Published :11/19/2021 12:00:00 AM .Nov.19
- Authors :Farhad Khaleghi
- Last update :

Various brands use cookies to track website users for the last many years so that they can improve the user experience and collect the required data to track the right audience for sharing the right offers and ads with them. Also, the cookies are an important tool to check what the users are checking online when they are not present on your website.
Today, in this article I would like to help you by giving you the right definition and some interesting facts about third-party cookies. So let's dive in by first understanding the term “third-party Cookies”.
The third-party cookies are said to be tracking codes that are generated on a website by a different website which is not the same website on which the user is conducting any activity. This code is a set of instructions created either by a web server or a scripting program for example the JavaScript. All the information from the user’s activities is recorded by the cookies and provided to the entity that has created that code. You can find the cookie or the tracking code quite easily by checking out your setting in the web browser.

How the cookies are used by the advertisers?
There are different usages of the third-party cookies by the third-party advertiser that can be useful for them in different ways. I will be discussing further to give you an idea of the multiple activities of the third-party cookies.
Understand and targeting
With the help of the data provided by the cookies, you can easily understand the behavior of the consumer that includes all their activities on the browser, for example, the frequently visited pages, purchase, their likes and dislikes, and more. In this way, it becomes easy for the advertiser to target the relevant messages to their audience.
For an instance, if a user has visited three different websites to check the price of a laptop, an electronic brand can share some offers and details of different laptops with him/her safely assuming that he/she is planning to buy a laptop.
Measurement for attribution
The third-party cookies can enhance the measurement for attribution capabilities to help increase the ability of the brand to deliver more optimized campaigns for better results. It helps in tracking the user across one or more platforms to generate a holistic view to check what goes into an alteration.
One of the most common types of cookies that you must be aware of is the Facebook Pixel. This type of cookie is responsible to track the behavior of the logged-in user and based on their activities, the user is retargeted with the relevant ads.. Such cookies are also said to be the first-party cookies that are created by Facebook itself.
It is common for many brands to track the activities of their customers to collect the data for running the right campaigns and delivering better quality services. But how the cookies and Google ad-tracking tools are used just now can be change dramatically with the efforts initiating by Google in the year 2022 to phase out Chrome Browser the third party cookies.

What the reason behind the phase-out of third-party cookies?
The main reason behind the removal of third-party cookies is the improvement in the laws of data privacy. Many consumers find it a little awkward and uncomfortable in the way how their browsing data and information is shared. They are demanding more privacy and also transparency, control, and preferences over the sharing of their data to the website owners.
Because of this many companies are now providing their customer's permission-based cookies through which they have the choice to share their browsing information with them. On the other hand, some of the companies are choosing to completely phase out the third-party cookies and in exchange find some other solutions to it.
Around the internet, I must tell you many third-party cookies are surrounding your activities so that they can collect your browsing information without your knowledge which is not good for a customer. Many reputed companies like Apple, Google, and Mozilla are planning to remove technology support to third-party cookies.

Can the third-party cookies be replaced?
The advertising industry is quite confused and has not confirmed any effective solution for the replacement of third-party cookies. But here I have some of the details of the ongoing proposals that you can consider in the upcoming years to take place:
Google is trying its hand on The Privacy Sandbox which is a privacy-preserving technology specially designed to protect the consumers. Different targeted groups will be created by Google that will be completely based on anonymous data. This data can be used by advertisers to measure, target, retarget and optimize their campaigns.
LiveRamp is one of the other companies finding a solution to third-party cookies. They are planning to launch Authenticated Traffic Solution (ATS) to help the advertisers by providing real-time, consented data of the users which will require no use of the cookies.
Such technologies can be used by various brands in enhancing their methods of targeting audiences and improving their measurement capabilities without any sort of help from third-party cookies.

What are my plans for my clients?
From the beginning of my career, I am working hard to help my clients with the best possible services. And here where it is about third-party cookies and the security of my client’s customers I support them by growing the CRM database that can help in building strong customer relationships. Through the CRM database, you can collect first-party and zero-party data about all your customers to directly target them through various campaigns.
I also suggest my clients to form a direct partnership with a trusted publisher or any retailer by which they can easily get the first-party data for targeting the customers. Many independent and famous ad-tech firms are trying to figure out their solutions but most of the industries are dependent on Google to provide a proven solution.
As staying updated with the phase-out and replacement of the third-party cookies you can rely on my solutions for staying ahead and running impactful current and future campaigns to beat your competitors. You are just a few clicks away to get the right help!

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